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Manual Use

If you don't feel like using the automation, you can also concatenate, minify and optimize manually.

Concatenate CSS

Use following command to concatenate your CSS files.

gulp concatcss

Concatenate JS

Use following command to concatenate JS files.

gulp concatjs

Minify CSS

Use following command to minify CSS files.

gulp mincss

Minify JS

Use following command to minify JS files.

gulp minjs

Image Optimization

Use following command to optimize images inside /assets_dev/img/ folder.

gulp imagemin

Purge CSS

  1. Navigate to node_scripts, open config.json to add list of css files to purge.

    "purge_css": [
  2. You can also add selectors to the "safelist" and they will not be removed. Classes generated by WordPress are already added to the list.

    "safelist": [
      "dl", "dt", "dd",
      "dfn", "cite", "em", "i", "blockquote", 
      "pre", "code", "tt", "var", "abbr", "acronym", "mark", "ins",
      "table", "tbody", "td", "th",
      "embed", "iframe", "object",
      "aligncenter", "logged-in-as", "form-submit"
  3. Use the following command to remove unused CSS from the files you have mentioned in config.json.

    gulp purgecss

If you think there should be more classes added/removed to the "safelist" please open an issue on our github repository. By the way selector list in config.json is not the only "safelist", there is also pattern added in gulpfile.js